• Subscribe to The Travel Oracle

    So you found our site. Maybe through Facebook. Maybe it was on Instagram. Perhaps you saw a Pin on Pinterest. Or maybe we twitted. Twittered? Anyway, you may be asking yourself, “why should I subscribe to the Travel Oracle?” Here are some GREAT reasons to join us on our journey. You’ll get our latest articles right to your in-box That’s right! You won’t need to hunt for us or wonder what we’re up to. Every week we will send you the absolute latest right to your email in-box. Our subscribers get exclusive content We scour the internet for related articles we think you’ll really enjoy and we occasionally write “secret…

  • Image of a blue medal that reads NYC Half,hanging from a green ribbon. The Brooklyn bridge is in the background.

    United Airlines NYC Half Recap

    I don’t run many half marathons and I certainly don’t race many but I was fortunate enough to snag a bib in the lottery for this year’s United Airline NYC Half this past weekend. I figured it would be a good tune up and a test of my fitness heading into this year’s Boston Marathon. The Goal My primary goal for the race was to run a hard effort and to challenge myself on the hills. I haven’t been a very strong runner on hills in the past and have incorporated more hill work and strength training to try and fix that. The course profile offered me a great opportunity to…

  • Red Torii in the water with a small boat in the distance

    Why Do We Love to Get Lost?

    People have sometimes asked us why we travel so much. For people who are home-bodies, the idea of packing up and going somewhere they’d never been before, seems unappealing or maybe even a bit frightening. But for us, there is just something about going on an adventure. What about you? Do you love to get lost too? Let’s take a minute to unpack why in the world we grab our bags and hit the road. A change of scenery is good for the soul Living in Michigan and not participating in winter sports, means I spend a lot of time indoors from November to March. And as much as I…

  • Delta 747, white body with red and navy wings and tail. In front of the plane is a sign that reads “Keep Climbing”. It’s in navy letters on a red base.

    747 – “Queen of the Skies”

    Anyone who follows us knows that we are big fans of all things Delta. They have been a big part of our travel journeys for many years now. A couple weeks ago we had an opportunity to take part in a Delta Road Warrior experience at the Delta Air Lines Training Center in Atlanta, GA. We can’t wait to share all about that amazing experience next week. But first, we want to take you on a tour thru probably my favorite plane of all time, the Delta 747-400.  Keep Climbing 747 History Although the flight museum was closed for renovations while we were there, we were fortunate enough to take…

  • Tokyo Marathon Finishers Medal in front of a cherry blossom tree

    The Great Cookie Toss at the Tokyo Marathon

    As the Tokyo Marathon is this weekend, we thought we’d put a pause in our Atlanta trip to share with you our experience in Japan. We visited grand toriis and drank sake in a roof top igloo. We played with snow monkeys and rode on fast trains. But by far the MOST interesting experience has to be what happened RIGHT before the race. Let’s unpack the great cookie toss at the Tokyo Marathon and the collision at the crevice. First, remember the Collision at the Crevice In case you missed it, let me recap. Our hotel room in Tokyo was small. How small was it? If it were any smaller,…

  • Speckled whale shark in front of a white guitar fish

    See a Shark as Big as a School Bus!

    Happy mid-winter to our Northern Hemisphere friends! We had the opportunity travel to Atlanta this weekend for an amazing adventure with Delta airlines. We are going to share more about that next week. This week, we thought we’d take you to see a shark as big as a school bus! Join us for an underwater adventure at the Georgia Aquarium. The Biggest Aquarium in the World (until 2005) As you know, Stephen and I are “zoothusiasts”. But we are also aquarium enthusiasts – “aquathusiasts”, I guess. So we are rather versatile! You may remember our trip to Osaka in 2023, where we first saw a whale shark. If not, be…

  • Runner crossing the finish line at the Publix marathon - under a balloon arch.

    The Publix Florida Marathon Race Recap

    There are just some times of the year that going somewhere warm and sunny is JUST what you need. Think – “Jack Nicholson at the Overlook Hotel.” This past weekend I had the chance to break away from the winter cold for a few days down to Melbourne, Florida. It was my first time pacing with Elevated Racing and Pacing and I was super excited for the opportunity. Join us this week for the Publix Florida Marathon race recap and be sure to bring some sun glasses! I Love the Smell of Donuts in the Morning My day started at 4 am as I woke up to eat my pre-race meal.…

  • Image of 4 people, silhouetted against the night sky. Before them is a body of water at "2025" illuminated in the sky, with fire works

    Finding Your “Why”

    Welcome to the first week of February! I have an important question for you. How are you doing on the resolutions you made for the New Year? If you’re not one for “resolutions”, how about, how are things going for the goals you’ve set? If you’re anything like the average human, 88% of us give up on our resolutions or goals by the second Friday in January. Let’s read that again…the second Friday of JANUARY!! This is called “Quitter’s Day”. In pondering this crazy fact the past couple of weeks, I’ve come across something that can be helpful for us average humans. It’s called “Finding Your “Why”. First Let’s Define…

  • Are You Ready to Get Real?

    You may already be somewhat familiar with the upcoming changes in identification requirements for air travel. But the deadline for it has moved SO MANY TIMES, you may be wondering if you even need an updated ID card at all. Well, no need to wonder anymore. The time has FINALLY been set for May 7, 2025. So the question is…are you ready to get Real? What Is Real ID? The Real ID Act establishes basic security standards for state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards. The Act was passed in response to the security vulnerabilities highlighted by the 9/11 attacks. Its goal is to enhance the documentation used for flights and…

  • Water color portrait of Martin Luter King Jr.

    Celebrating MLK with a Day of Service

    This week we remembered civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr, here in the USA. The folks at the Oracle usually use a holiday giving us a three day weekend as an excuse to travel. But this year, we decided to do something a little different. Join us this week as we unpack celebrating MLK with a Day of Service. Life’s Most Persistent Question Last year, I listened to a local historian who shared stories about Martin Luther King Jr. As part of this presentation, he shared these two quotes that really made me think: ”Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” And… ”Life’s most persistent and urgent question…

  • Three people standing under a metal arc that reads “The Toledo Zoo”

    Let’s Look for Mudhens at the Toledo Zoo

    This week a tragedy hit our home. Okay, so it was a MINOR tragedy and maybe “tragedy” is being used too loosely. Our son’s girlfriend, Savanna, was moving something in the basement and her commemorative shot glass from Tony Packo’s restaurant shattered. So what can do two travel junkies do to help? Why, we use this as an excuse to go on a road trip, of course! Come along and let’s look for Mudhens at the Toledo Zoo. The Logistics Okay, we know that you don’t HAVE to go to the zoo to get a new shot glass from Tony Packo’s but they are BOTH in Toledo. And in case…