Image of a pint of light beer with a Tokyo Marathon Finishers medal on it. The bar beneath it is marble.
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How to Celebrate Surviving a Marathon while Concussed

Our journey through Japan is coming to a close and in case you missed it, last week we shared about the “Great Cookie Toss at the Tokyo Marathon”. This unfortunate incident was caused by a significantly small room and one wrong move. But this week we want to share with you how to celebrate surviving a marathon while concussed. Hopefully you’ll never need to apply this to your life, but just in case, be sure to book mark this page.

The Victor Returns

Cold, concussed and triumphant, Stephen made it back to the crevice after completing the Tokyo Marathon in 3 hours and 20 minutes. After he unpacked the story of his fun time, he hopped in the shower while I ran to 7-11 to grab some sandwiches and soda for lunch.

Man wearing a poncho with a hood. The poncho is brightly colored and says Tokyo Marathon on it. He's wearing a finishers medal and running shoes. He's standing in front of a brown door

I expected we might be in for the rest of the day. After all, there is NO WAY I could run a marathon much less, run 26 miles while hurling and want to do anything but curl up in a ball. However, Stephen’s spirits would not be dampened and after he finished his egg salad and tuna sandwich, we got ready to head out for the day.

First Stop – Drinks at The Hudson Lounge / Ambar

This place so sparkly, so cozy and so fancy, I thought Stephen heard about it in some “Best Bar” article. Turns out, it was the bar most conveniently located to our next stop. What a find! Located in the Intercontinental Hotel, this place has a high end charm. From the marble bar top to the lovely wine spritzer they served me in a crystal glass. (I’m surprised they let me in with my puffy coat and my travel purse!)

Next stop – Cruise of Tokyo Harbor

We walked over to the Port of Tokyo for the Symphony Cruise. Most of the information about the cruise was in Japanese so we didn’t have the BEST idea of what was included. For instance, would there be an actual symphony? Will we get to eat? How about a bar? In time all was revealed!

Next stop – Food!!

Since I’m not much of a “meat and potatoes” person, the food on the cruise didn’t really work for me. And by the time we got back near our room, my stomach was gnawing a hole in my back bone. We stopped at one of the many little restaurants near the Crevice in Kanda. While on the map, Google will not reveal to me the name of this place in English. Maybe it translates to “really good ramen?” Because that’s what we had. Also the table of men in business suites behind us was having a laugh riot over some sake and beer. It was a really fun atmosphere.

Lastly – My Important Lesson in Photo Grid

Earlier in the day, Stephen did some great things with the Photo Grid app – placing his Tokyo Marathon medal in some wonderfully scenic locations.

Over dinner, I asked him to show me how to use it so I could do the same thing. I used this picture as the base.

I present to you the “Stephen is SO COLD” collection. (I’m sure you’re very impressed.) I ate my ramen and laughed and laughed at the pictures I made. Not a bad way to end an epic journey.

I hoped you enjoyed our fun adventure through the land of the rising sun. I think next week we’ll share the highlight reel for Japan. We find it’s really helpful in for trip planning. (You know, like an Oracle would do!)

This weekend, Stephen is pacing the Dexter 2 Ann Arbor half marathon, which is always a LOT of fun. If you’d like to follow us in real time, check us out on Instagram at The__Travel__Oracle or if you like having our latest article and curated content sent to your mailbox, consider subscribing today. After all, it’s TOTALLY free and a lot of fun.