Small beagle and a black labradoodle sitting on a porch
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Dog Sitting in the Biggest, Small Town in America

ICYMI – we love to travel and not JUST for the sake of the adventure. Sometimes we leave our home base to provide home and pet sitting for others. Join us this week as we share of very first away from home gig in “Adventures in Dog Sitting – Louisville Edition.” (Someone, please cue a giant movie title).

Movie Marquee showing "Adventures in Dog Sitting - Louisville Edition"
Brought to you by the Imagineers at The Travel Oracle

The Prologue

Man and a woman on an airplane - on their way to an adventure in dog sitting
Off to Atlanta

July ended up being sort of a crazy month for us. We were already planning to be in Atlanta over the 4th of July weekend so Stephen could run the Peach Tree Road Race. (If you’d like to hear a funny story from that race, check out this post.) Also, a friend asked if we could come to Louisville the second week in July to watch their home and their pets while they went on vacation. And lastly, our good friends in Orlando asked if we might be free for a visit. So…July was an “on-the-road” month for us. Atlanta to Louisville, Louisville back to Atlanta and on to Orlando until the end of the month.

The Arrival

Lounge at an airport - on our way to our adventure in dog sitting
One of Five Delta Lounges!

We took a short flight from Atlanta’s massive Hartsfield airport to Louisville’s Muhammad Ali airport, which was as charming and as “small town” as Louisville itself. We walked off the plane, snagged our bags and made it to the parking garage in minutes.

For some reason, neither of us really had much to eat that day and by the time we got to our friend’s home, hunger was beginning to gnaw at our bones. Before we could do anything about that, we had some important tasks to accomplish:

  1. We had to meet the dogs, Twizzler and Sookie, feed them dinner, and take them outside to the bathroom and
  2. We had to procure food.

Though we should have thought about this in advance, Sookie and Twizzler didn’t take too well to two complete strangers walking in their home. We decided that the best course of action was to feed them, let them out and then give them some space to decide we were friend material.

Two dogs laying on a sofa looking unsure
Twizzler is up top, giving us the side eye

I grabbed groceries at Aldi to feed us for the week and take out from Qdoba, so we could eat immediately. If you’re not aware of the ridiculous portion size of the food at Qdoba, imagine two regular sized burritos combined into one. Their side helping of tortilla chips is about the size of a bag you’d get at the grocery store and their guacamole is a like one 8 oz cup. (Seriously, why is ratio so off between the chips and guac? Do avocados cost a fortune or something?) When we were done eating, the only thing left was the paper the food came in. Having survived near starvation, we got settled and began our week there.

The Free Fun-tivities

There were a lot of things to do in Louisville that didn’t cost a penny.

Cheap Fun-tivities

While not free, we did have the chance to do a few things that were not expensive and were quite fun.

The Fun Places to Eat and Drink

The Unusual Things We Discovered

But most importantly…the PETS!

If you’re anything like me, while you’ve been reading this, you’ve been thinking about the pets the WHOLE TIME. Never fear! Though day one was a little rough, Sookie and Twizzler quickly decided that we were okay. The indoor cat, Alex, seemed to like us right away. The outdoor cat, eventually let me pet him. And the crawfish and fish, seemed to believe it was the same hand that always fed them, so they were good with us. Here’s a peek at how things ended up:

Black cat laying on a railing in our adventures in dog sitting
Outdoor kitty

So that’s a wrap on Louisville and our first adventure in pet sitting! If you have a trip on your horizon and would like to know more about house and pet sitting, check this out! Also, if you enjoy hearing about our adventures, consider subscribing for free today!