United Airlines NYC Half Recap
I don’t run many half marathons and I certainly don’t race many but I was fortunate enough to snag a bib in the lottery for this year’s United Airline NYC Half this past weekend. I figured it would be a good tune up and a test of my fitness heading into this year’s Boston Marathon. The Goal My primary goal for the race was to run a hard effort and to challenge myself on the hills. I haven’t been a very strong runner on hills in the past and have incorporated more hill work and strength training to try and fix that. The course profile offered me a great opportunity to…
747 – “Queen of the Skies”
Anyone who follows us knows that we are big fans of all things Delta. They have been a big part of our travel journeys for many years now. A couple weeks ago we had an opportunity to take part in a Delta Road Warrior experience at the Delta Air Lines Training Center in Atlanta, GA. We can’t wait to share all about that amazing experience next week. But first, we want to take you on a tour thru probably my favorite plane of all time, the Delta 747-400. Keep Climbing 747 History Although the flight museum was closed for renovations while we were there, we were fortunate enough to take…
The Publix Florida Marathon Race Recap
There are just some times of the year that going somewhere warm and sunny is JUST what you need. Think – “Jack Nicholson at the Overlook Hotel.” This past weekend I had the chance to break away from the winter cold for a few days down to Melbourne, Florida. It was my first time pacing with Elevated Racing and Pacing and I was super excited for the opportunity. Join us this week for the Publix Florida Marathon race recap and be sure to bring some sun glasses! I Love the Smell of Donuts in the Morning My day started at 4 am as I woke up to eat my pre-race meal.…
Are You Ready to Get Real?
You may already be somewhat familiar with the upcoming changes in identification requirements for air travel. But the deadline for it has moved SO MANY TIMES, you may be wondering if you even need an updated ID card at all. Well, no need to wonder anymore. The time has FINALLY been set for May 7, 2025. So the question is…are you ready to get Real? What Is Real ID? The Real ID Act establishes basic security standards for state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards. The Act was passed in response to the security vulnerabilities highlighted by the 9/11 attacks. Its goal is to enhance the documentation used for flights and…
The Very Best of 2024
We SO love experiences and look for fun ways to remember everything we’ve done over the year. One of our favorites is tacking up things like theater tickets, paper wrist bands, and bar coasters on a corkboard. On New Year’s Eve, we place these mementos in an envelope and write about where we’ve been and what we’ve done. And since starting the Oracle, we take lots of pictures to share with you all. So as we wind down the year, let us share with you the very best of 2024! The Meal of the Year For my birthday, I had two big wishes. The first was to spend the morning…
Top 5 Sporting Events I’ve Been a Part of or Witnessed Live
In addition to traveling, The Travel Oracle is also pretty passionate about sports. Runner_dad has been fortunate to see some pretty epic sporting events live. Here’s a little trip down memory lane with his top five. 1 – Packers vs Lions Oct 5, 2024 – Thursday Night Football, Ford Field. Lions win 34-31 First football game for Savanna, Connor’s first Lions’ win. A heavyweight slugfest. The fourth and one gamble. Field goal by Jake Bates to win the game as time expired!! Total playoff atmosphere. This comes in at number one because I know that 30 years from now the kids will still remember this day, just as I remember…
NYC 2024 Marathon – The Rest of the Story
Do you remember a movie from the 80’s called “Planes, Trains and Automobiles“? Well if you haven’t seen that yet, you should really check it out. It’s really funny and it’s Thanksgiving themed. And if you haven’t read it yet, be sure to check out last week’s NYC pre-race report, where we take an Uber, to a ferry, to a bus, JUST to run 26.2 miles! And once that’s done, come back here for the rest of the NYC 2024 Marathon story. Bridge #1 – the Verrazzano Narrows Once the cannon went off my shuffle to the start line began. It wasn’t but a minute before I crossed the start…
NYC Marathon Pre-Race Report
Hard to believe it’s almost been two weeks since I completed my third NYC Marathon. Thought I’d share a little bit with y’all about how the day went for me. Today I’ll be sharing the journey to the start line. Join us this week for the NYC Marathon Pre-Race Report. With the marathon falling on the day we set the clocks back an hour, it means either an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour of tossing and turning. Fortunately for me I usually sleep pretty well the night before a race and tonight was no exception so I enjoyed the extra sleep. Alarm was set for five am but…
Check Out the Newest Lounge at LaGuardia
Hey there Friends. Having just arrived home from a trip to NYC, we would love to share with you our thoughts about this Delta Sky Club. So…grab a cup of something warm and check out the newest lounge at LaGuardia International Airport. Lots of Room for Lounging Located just past security in Terminal C, the Sky Club is one of the largest in the Delta network, boasting over 35,000 square feet and seating for more than 700 travelers. Anyone who has spent time in a crowded airport lounge will really appreciate all the space available. Status is “Perk-a-Licious” When we arrived at 7:30 am, there was a short queue waiting…
What’s Left of the Ohio State Reformatory
If you’re anything like me, as the weather cools and the nights get longer, your mind turns to things on the spookier side of the spectrum. If you’re not anything like me, I get it. Let me suggest you check out our most awesome collection of Running Stories for inspiration. But for those of you who are still here, why don’t you grab a cup of something warm and spicy and join me. This week we’ll find out what’s left of the Ohio State Reformatory. But remember, you’ll need to leave your ghost hunting equipment behind! Hustlin’ to Shawshank You may wonder how we decided to visit this location. It…