
  • Walking in the Footsteps of the Rich and Famous

    This was our third and final day in SOCAL. And after getting to pet the jellyfish and ending the day with a gondola ride, we felt it was time we got our “Hollywood On”! If you’ve never been, you’re in for a TREAT. Grab a cozy cup of something you like and join us as we go walking in the footsteps of the rich and famous! But first, food! As excited as we were to be heading to Hollywood, we first needed a little sustenance to get us going. We parked the car in a neighborhood and walked over to the Clark Street Diner. On the way, we got to…

  • Gondolier piloting a boat with palm trees in the background

    Petting a Jellyfish and Riding in a Gondola

    Ah, Detroit in January. There’s nothing like it. Well, except for maybe…Cleveland in January. It’s cold and dreary and everything begins to feel a bit stale. As you may remember, last week we began our adventure to Southern California in search of some sunshine to beat the “drearies”. Our second day there, absolutely abolished that “stale” feeling. We started the day by petting a jellyfish and ended the day riding in a gondola! Join us as we unpack our second day in the sun along the California coast! The Morning Stroll through Shoreline Park Besides the sunshine, one of the BEST benefits of heading west is taking advantage of the…

  • Woman looking grumpy, standing next to a car in a snow storm.

    When Winter Gets You Down

    January in Detroit can feel about 6 months long. It’s dark when you’re driving into work and it’s dark again at about 1pm. (Okay, well that MIGHT be a bit of an exaggeration.) But regardless, about two weeks after the Christmas decorations are put up we start to REALLY feel it – the longing for spring, the longing for the sun. Join us this week for the perfect remedy we found for when winter gets you down. (And as you may suspect, the solution involves plane tickets.) The Surprise Apparently Delta sent an irresistible offer to Stephen that included hotel, car rental and flights for less than the cost of…