Travel Tips
Why Do We Love to Get Lost?
People have sometimes asked us why we travel so much. For people who are home-bodies, the idea of packing up and going somewhere they’d never been before, seems unappealing or maybe even a bit frightening. But for us, there is just something about going on an adventure. What about you? Do you love to get lost too? Let’s take a minute to unpack why in the world we grab our bags and hit the road. A change of scenery is good for the soul Living in Michigan and not participating in winter sports, means I spend a lot of time indoors from November to March. And as much as I…
Are You Ready to Get Real?
You may already be somewhat familiar with the upcoming changes in identification requirements for air travel. But the deadline for it has moved SO MANY TIMES, you may be wondering if you even need an updated ID card at all. Well, no need to wonder anymore. The time has FINALLY been set for May 7, 2025. So the question is…are you ready to get Real? What Is Real ID? The Real ID Act establishes basic security standards for state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards. The Act was passed in response to the security vulnerabilities highlighted by the 9/11 attacks. Its goal is to enhance the documentation used for flights and…
Cyber Monday Deals for the Travel Lover in Your Life
In case you haven’t heard…there’s only 24 more shopping days until Christmas. If you’ve got someone on your list with a solid case of wander lust, we have some great ideas for you! Check out these Cyber Monday deals for the travel lover in your life. BOSE Noise Cancelling Headphones Make the crying child on the airplane irrelevant by donning a pair of these wonderful noise cancelling headphones! You can also use them to connect to in-flight entertainment. Pack Light with Veken Packing Cubes Keep all your clothes organized and packed into a small space with these packing cubes. We travelled from London to Paris and then to Rome and…
Fun and Free in NYC
If you know anything about traveling to Manhattan, you KNOW it’s expensive. It’s like $35 just to walk in and look at a menu. But did you know that there are some amazing, fun and free things to do on NYC? Sure, a coffee may cost you $8 but you’ll enjoy drinking it in one of these fantastic places! 1. The NY Public Library This library feels more like a museum than a place to check out books but you’ll still have to keep your voice down! 2. The Staten Island Ferry If you want some great views of Lady Liberty, Liberty Island ISN’T the way to do it. Instead…
Make Your First NYC Marathon a Smashing Success
Just before the world hit the “pause” button, Stephen ran his first New York City Marathon. Though we had been to the Big Apple many times previously, this was his first time there for the running of the race. If you’ve never been to Manhattan OR if this is your first NYC marathon, let us share some things we’ve learned along the way to make your first NYC Marathon a smashing success. Don’t even THINK about driving a car Unless you’re a big fan of stress, near misses, horn honking and altercations just forget the idea that driving a car would be “better” in any way. Instead, get yourself a…
How Smart are You – going to Harvard for Free?
With the Boston Marathon right around the corner, we had to share with you an ABSOLUTE gem we uncovered on a recent trip. In Cambridge, which is a 20 minute ride from downtown Boston, visit the Fogg Museum at Harvard. It has priceless works of art and it costs NOTHING to go there. I mean, how smart are you – going to Harvard for free? How we found it For the first time since 2015, we went to Boston FOR FUN. That’s right, NO RUNNING. (Like at all!) But here’s the thing, we were going to Boston in mid-March. The odds of the weather being warm enough to walk the…
How Would You Like to Cut the Line?
If you’re anything like us, you may be experiencing JUST a bit of spring fever. In fact, travel for 2024 is the first year expected to beat 2019. The TSA expects the highest number of passengers they have EVER seen at the airport this March. Does any of this information discourage you at all? We hope not! And we have an offer just for subscribers. How would YOU like to cut the line at security? The Airport Fast Pass Have you ever stood in really long line at an amusement park and watch a group of people come up through some secret door and walk right up to the front?…
What You Won’t Want to Miss in Tokyo
In 2023, we undertook an amazing adventure through the Land of the Rising Sun. We stayed for almost 3 weeks and shared with you the highlights of each out our days. Since there are just SO many GREAT places to see, we thought we’d make a City Guide for you so you’ll know what you won’t want to miss in Tokyo. If you want to do a deeper dive in Japan – check out our Japan collection. And if you’re a person who loves headlines, this article is for you! First, let’s talk food…Where to Eat? Oh my gosh! There hasn’t been a place I’ve visited where I’ve liked the…
How to Play Travel Bingo
Ah the weather! One minute it’s 80. The next minute, it’s 30. And you’re stuck in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Airport because New York City was having a tornado…or two. Yeah, yeah, I AM all about the environment and how horrible climate change is. But I’ll be honest, Harrisburg is no NYC, even if they have a Subway restaurant. And it’s easy to get B-O-R-E-D just waiting around when your flight is delayed. So let us share with you a fun game you can employ when you travel. This week we’ll show you how to play travel bingo. This week…it’s the “Bad Traveler” edition. The Overall Rules of the Game Just…
Surprising Things We Learned about Berlin
With the Berlin marathon fast approaching, I thought it might be fun to do a little post mortem on the surprising things we learned about Berlin. What we already knew Now I had NEVER been to Germany and Stephen hadn’t been since he was stationed there back in the early 90’s. So we knew SOME things like: But there were a LOT of things about Berlin that surprised us. Like… 1. It’s prettier and greener than we expected Maybe it was because of all the Jason Bourne-esque / spy thrillers that show Berlin as this industrial, post-cold war, gray, concrete city, but I was a really surprised at how beautiful…