Crowded bar in room with a low ceiling that has old wooden beams.
London,  The Archives,  The places we've been

Checking Out The Hidden Bars of London

The Boston Marathon was behind us and we hopped the pond to jolly old England. Though the main purpose of our trip was to have Stephen run the London Marathon and earn the Abbot Six Star Medal, we had one other important mission in our minds – checking out the hidden bars of London!

The Inspiration

Since we’d been to London before, we wanted to find some new things to experience. We looked into some museums and shopping areas. And since we were near Whitechapel, I even looked into some “Ripper-themed” excursions. But then I found it, an article on The 15 Best Speakeasy Bars in London*. With this itinerary in hand, we kicked back and enjoyed the ride.

Day One – Oriole

Just blocks from our fantastic hotel, The Mad Hatter, Oriole was running at a pop up location. Since we were both a little “knackered” from the flight, the time change, working all day, and running a marathon…getting to a speakeasy that also allowed for and early bedtime was just what we needed.

We made reservations for a table but were lucky enough to find two seats at the bar. The vibe was upscale but cool. We enjoyed some live music while sipping on some amazingly fancy cocktails (that were equally parts art and alcohol.)

Day Two – The Discount Suit Company

After a quick walk through Leadenhall Market, we ended up on Petticoat lane. Since it was after 5pm, most of the businesses were closed and we wandered a while before coming across an open door in the obviously defunct Discount Suit Company.

Man standing in front of a gray building that has a dilapidated sign that reads “Discount Suit Company”
Entrance to the Discount Suit Company

Walking down the narrow stairs, we ended up in a small basement with exposed wood beams and seating for maybe 20. The bartender gave us the last spot which was next to a small swinging door they used to transport supplies into the bar area.

Then Over to The Ten Bells

Exterior of the Ten Bells pub

Though not a speakeasy, The Ten Bells is the bar where Mary Kelly enjoyed her last drink before meeting Jack the Ripper. It seemed like THE MOST popular place in the area and we only managed seats because the security guard finagled some for us.

Through Spitalfields to Home

Interior of a shopping center that is outdoors and covered with a glass ceiling. The shops are closed but the lights are on.
Spitalfields Market

We walked through Spitalfields Market on our way back to the hotel. Though the stores were closed, you HAVE to check out these great sights!

Day Three – Sleazy Pizza

Menu at Sleazy Pizza
The Menu

Though NOT a speakeasy, I just have to mention this really fun establishment on Brick Lane. The pizza was really tasty and they had costumes you could don to get your picture on the Money Shot Wall of Fame.

Next up – The Mayor of Scaredy Cat Town

Yellow door with a red sign that reads “The Breakfast Club”
The entrance to the Breakfast Club

Located inside the sunny Breakfast Club restaurant, we said to the hostess that we had an appointment and wanted to see the Mayor of Scaredy Cat Town. She walked us to a refrigerator and opened to the door to reveal a staircase leading down to the bar. (I was so excited by this, I asked her to do it again so we could get a picture!)

They had some excellent, fun and fancy cocktails but the vibe was chill and the music was great.

Last but not least – Ye Olde Cock Tavern

Painting on a brick wall that depicts a rooster and reads “Ye Old Cock Tavern”. There is a table in front of it holding a sign and some flowers.
Welcome to Ye Olde Cock Tavern

Operating since 1549, Ye Olde Cock Tavern was the watering hole for notables like Alfred Tennyson, Charles Dickens and us! It was a great way to end the evening and our tour of some of best and well hidden watering holes in London.

We hope you enjoyed our little drinking tour of London and that you’ll join us next week for some more sights around the town. If you like our articles, consider subscribing. It’s free and always comes with bonus content. Or for a peak of what we’re up to in real time, follow us on Instagram at The__Travel__Oracle.


*For those who are all about facts, we know that prohibition and speakeasies were not a “thing” in England but who DOESN’T want to go to a secret bar??