Palm trees blowing in the wind against a blue sky
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How a Little Tempest Can Impact Your Day

We’re back from the hiatus we took to prepare for the Boston Marathon…where one of us ran the race and the other spectated. Needless to say, I think running it probably a bit easier. After all the runner’s path is marked, while us spectators had to find our own way to the finish! But I digress. This week we continue our odyssey in the desert, where we explore how a little tempest can impact your day.

Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane

To celebrate Connor’s big day, we loaded up the Behemoth and drove 45 minutes out to Go Jump in Jean, Nevada. Connor and Savanna wanted to go skydiving so Stephen signed up for the jump as well. With his experience from previous jumps and his sense humor, we figured he’d be able to able to ease their way.

Though nervous, the kids suited up. And by the time they boarded the plane, they were even excited. Before leaving the ground, Connor hatched a scheme with his jump partner to allow him do somersaults in the air.

The jump was scheduled to happen at 13,000 feet. This height would allow them to free fall for 5 minutes before needing to deploy their chutes. The plane got all the way up to 9,000 feet, when the plane was called back to the ground. Apparently, the winds were picking up and a cross wind was beginning. These conditions made the jump too dangerous to complete. While disappointed, we were grateful that safety was their #1 concern and we rescheduled the jump for Saturday morning.

Back to Nacho

Since we couldn’t jump, we decided a giant tray of nachos and some frozen margaritas would be just the thing to take our minds off the disappointing outing. As an added bonus, the Oracle didn’t need to make any of the feast thanks to the skills of the our young travel companions.

Living the Life

We had the afternoon free so it seemed like the perfect time to enjoy the baller back yard.

Night on the Town

Our next order of business was getting reading for a night on the town.

We took Connor and Savanna over to the Strip to see some of the sites before heading to the Linq for one of the evenings main attractions.

Front Row seats for Magician, Mat Franco

Mat won America’s Got Talent back in 2014, a show we watched every week with our kids. His most amazing trick was making Mel B.’s cell phone disappear and reappear inside an occupied, upholstered seat in the theater. With front row seats, we thought we’d figure out at least how he did ONE of his tricks. After an hour and a half, we were even MORE in awe of his talent than we were just seeing him on television.

The Gang’s All Here

After the show, the rest of the crew and my cousin, Ron, met us for a little walking tour of the sites on the Strip. By this time, the winds were gusting up to 30 miles an hour, so we were happy to find the fountain at the Bellagio was still running. (Or at least we were happy until the winds whipped the water straight at us and we had to back away.)

Countdown to Midnight

We headed to Cesar’s Palace as the last hour of Connor’s twentieth year came to a close. Just before midnight, we got a table at Stadia Bar to toast him with a celebration shot. The staff was tickled we chose to celebrate this big moment with them. So tickled, in fact, they gave Connor a shot of tequila on the house. He downed that like a champ and we followed it up with a Green Tea shot that we all had.

Interestingly enough, he much preferred the tequila shot to the Green Tea. We asked the crew if they wanted to do some gambling now that Connor could play, but Cesar himself said it was time to go. So we went home to rest up for our next epic day. Wise man, that Cesar. Stabbed by his co-workers, very sad.

Statue of Cesar pointing with his right hand
Cesar says, “Go home”

Thanks for joining us as we unpacked how a little tempest can impact your plans. Next week we will be getting $10 tattoos and playing Snakes and Ladders at a Dart bar!

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