Man made hill that looks like the shoulders and face of a man. There is a waterfall spilling from his mouth into a lake.
The Archives,  The places we've been

If Willy Wonka Created a World Made of Crystal

Were you like me when you were a child…watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory over and over again? Did you ever wish you could find a golden ticket instead of those pint sized hellions? What if I told you, I visited a place that was like…if Willy Wonka created a world made of crystal instead of candy? Would you want to run and explore it too? Come with me and you’ll be in a WORLD of pure imagination at Swarovski’s Krisallwelten Wattens in Austria.

The back story

Stephen and Jill at a table in Berlin

In 2018, we were planning a trip to Berlin so Stephen could run the marathon. As we looked at the calendar and then the map, we realized we could also make Oktoberfest in Munich the following weekend. All we needed was a car and a plan!

Off the beaten path

With a week of exploration time, we decided to do the “Near Germany” world tour, hitting Prague and Austria on our way down the Autobahn. The first time we visit a place, we make sure to hit the touristy spots. After all, it would seem a waste to go to Paris and not see the Eiffel Tower or to go to London and not see Big Ben. (More on THAT in a future post!) That being said, we also look for places that are off the beaten path. While searching the internet, I came across this waterfall and felt I had to see it with my own eyes.

Waterfall coming from a grass covered face in the side of a hill if Willy Wonka created a world of crystal
The waterfall that HAD to be seen

We read that waterfall was at the entrance of something called “Swarovski Kristallwelten”. All the times I had been to a mall, I hadn’t been in any of Swarovski store and didn’t really think this would be something we would enjoy. I suggested that we drive to the waterfall, get a picture and leave without going inside. Boy, am I glad that Stephen had a better plan. He reasoned, if we were going all the way over there to see the waterfall…why not go inside and have a look? Since the tickets were only 19 Euro, we decided to embrace the adventure.

Not what I expected

I expected a huge Swarovski jewelry store…instead I was blown away. With no guides and no guide books, we were left to experience the Crystal World on our own. Keep in mind, everything from here on out is made entirely of crystal.

The first room was completely dark except for spot lights on moving statues of carnival items and circus performers.

The second room featured more standard fare – large crystals, glittering in the light. I was about to rush through when I spotted a homage to Dali that stopped me in my tracks.

We then entered space where we were inside an enormous crystal.

We walked through a snowy, glittering, winter wonderland that had a helpful spot for a selfie.

Strolling through blackened hallways, we moved from one enormous piece of crystal art to another.

The hallway changed and suddenly the art was below us. Spots moved and morphed beneath our feet.

A train moved through crystal tunnels past replicas of the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben and St. Basil’s Cathedral.

We were then treated to famous buildings made entirely of clear crystal – the view seeming much like a 3D blue print.

The last indoor spot was a gift shop. We loved our entire experience, but…

We had no idea the magic that lay ahead

Outside we discovered the crystal world extended into the natural world. We walked through a forest of crystal trees and wandered a hedge maze that held crystal secrets that waiting to be discovered.

Glass of white wine
All this and a glass of wine!

Although there was no river made of chocolate, they did offer wine! And as Willy Wonka once aptly said, “Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.”

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