Looking for Mercy in the Caribbean
Have you ever had an idea about how your day would turn out, only to have something much better happen? This was the day we had on the island of St. Lucia. Why don’t you grab a cup of your favorite bevy and join us as we go looking for mercy in the Caribbean?
The Quick Catch up
We were in the Caribbean on our very first cruise. Not knowing what to expect, we did a little research to find things to make the experience much easier. We did excursions on the island of St. Thomas where we found pirates and swam with sea turtles. And we did an excursion on Dominica where we went chasing waterfalls and peering into the Emerald Pool. This week, let’s explore together the beautiful island of St. Lucia.

St. Lucia
After a few days of structured time, we felt like we wanted to stretch our legs and explore a little. Right off the docks we found this great sign, which I climbed up on and was yelled at. That lady DID NOT have any mercy. But we also found these two local beers, so I was able to recover from my shame pretty easily.

As we made our way around the bay, we got many offers for tours by locals but we knew the ugly truth. As fantastic as these site seeing trips might be, if you’re not back on the boat by the time they gave us for departure, you’re on your own. That’s right, your belongings will move on to the next port of call and you’re left behind, looking for a ride. So we wisely said “no thanks”.

And then we met Roger
One of locals, fell in with us as we walked along. Rather than talking us into some sort of a tour, he happily shared information about the places we were seeing along our route.

Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
We read that there was a basilica on the island, which is a big deal in the Catholic faith. We had visited one other basilica previously in St. Paul, Minnesota. I expected to find a very formal, very large and quite ornate place for worship, instead, the place was inviting and full of local love and charm.

Derek Walcott Square
St. Lucia was the home to two nobel winners – Sir William Arthur Lewis, who won the prize for economics in 1979 and Derek Alton Walcott, who won the prize for literature in 1994.

Castries Central Market
We left the square and enjoyed the sights and sounds of a large market that had stalls both indoors and outside.

Parting Ways
We were so thankful for Roger’s company and his knowledge about the island and the sites in Castries. We gave him a tip and thanked him for his company. If you’re ever in Saint Lucia near the bay, you may get the great opportunity for a personal tour.

Setting Sail
Heading out of the harbor, we got to watch the MOST amazing sunset. St. Lucia was so beautiful, I was sorry to see it go. But ahead of us was Martinique and Antigua, so more beautiful places to come. Join us next week as we show you around the islands and share what it’s like to swimming with sting rays.

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