Medal for the NYC Marathon in the foreground with the Statue of Liberty in the background
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Make Your First NYC Marathon a Smashing Success

Just before the world hit the “pause” button, Stephen ran his first New York City Marathon. Though we had been to the Big Apple many times previously, this was his first time there for the running of the race. If you’ve never been to Manhattan OR if this is your first NYC marathon, let us share some things we’ve learned along the way to make your first NYC Marathon a smashing success.

Don’t even THINK about driving a car there

Make your first NYC Marathon a Smashing Success by NOT taking a car - image of traffic in Hell's Kitchen
Credit to the NY Times for this one

Unless you’re a big fan of stress, near misses, horn honking and altercations just forget the idea that driving a car there would be “better” in any way. Instead, get yourself a one-week transit pass for $33 and take a train or a bus anywhere you want to go.

Downtown is a direction

Make your first NYC Marathon a Smashing Success by learning the subway directions - image of a tiled wall in the subway that reads "downtown" with an arrow

Being from suburban Michigan, we use “downtown” to refer to the place in the heart of the city where all the action is – as in, “Tomorrow we are going to downtown Detroit to watch the boat races.” In New York, downtown means the financial district. Midtown is Times Square and Broadway and Uptown is north of that. Find where you’re going in relation to these areas and navigating the subway will be much easier.

Stand on the right and walk on the left

Make your first NYC Marathon a smashing success by standing on the right - image of people on a escalator with people standing on the right and walking on the left
Credit to SFGate News

When getting on or off the subway, always, always, ALWAYS, stand on the right and leave room for others to walk on the left. Remember, it’s not a ride and the people who live there and are commuting to work are in a hurry. As a tourist, taking as little room as possible in these crowded spaces will make the natives much friendlier.

Be prepared to walk

Make your first NYC marathon a smashing success by being prepared to walk - image of many people walking on a path between buildings and trees
Walking the Highline

Even with readily available public transportation, you are going to walk…a lot…even after the 26.2 mile race. In fact, Stephen said the exit to get out of Central Park was almost a mile from the finish line.

My suggestions are:

  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Hydrate
  • Stop when you need to
  • Don’t forget to enjoy the view (after all NYC in the fall is pretty flipping fantastic!)

Be sure to savor the experience

From standing on the Verrazano bridge with all the other runners, listening to Frank Sinatra sing “New York, New York”, to running down 5th avenue through crowds of cheering people, there is no other race like this one. Remember to enjoy it. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the city. After all…you’re going to run the NEW YORK CITY MARATHON!!

Since you’re going, if you’re interested in some great places to eat and drink and some fun things to do…check out our NYC highlight reel.

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