Man smiling at the London Marathon with his arms raised in celebration

Our World Famous Kidney Donor Athlete

Not only have we traveled the world, one of us does it in running shoes with one kidney! Do you have a big race coming up or do you just want to get moving? Whatever the reason, we can help! Stephen earned his 6-star medal in London in 2023 and is the first kidney donor to ever to it. Besides that, he is a certified coach. If you need running advice, coaching, or want to talk about donation, talk with our world famous kidney donor athlete!

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Kidney Donation

Two men standing in front of an arched rock formation

Twelve years ago I donated one of my kidneys to a complete stranger. Four years after that I ran my first marathon in Chicago with my recipient waiting at the finish line. We are now family and Harvey has cheered me on as I went on to finish Boston, New York, and Berlin.

13 people die every day waiting for a life saving kidney transplant. As a Kidney Donor Athletes I want to bring awareness to this fact and show that you can live a full life after sharing your spare. What I’ve gained as a donor is greater than anything I have sacrificed and I would do it again in a second if it was possible.