• Red Torii in the water with a small boat in the distance

    The Day of the Deer Assault

    We were finally adjusted to Japan’s time zone and slept a REGULAR night. (Thank goodness, because 5am mornings when you’re up before 4am can become a bit dull!) This day, we hopped downstairs for our regular breakfast of salad, rice and curry before heading off on our adventure. Join us as we unpack our trips to Miyajima Island and Hiroshima aka the day of the deer assault! Hopping the Ferry Though the ferry looks to be built for cars crossing from Hiroshima to Miyajima, that morning only people were passengers. It was a cold morning, but fortunately the trip was short and the VIEWS were breath taking. Miyajima Island and…

  • Red toriis (or gates) with Japanese writing on them and black bases

    The Fastest Train to a Quieter Time

    After a quiet evening back at our little hotel, which we now refer to as “the crevice”, we packed up for a new adventure. This time we would be taking the fastest train to a quieter time. Join us as we share all the sites from our first day in Kyoto! 180 mph on the Bullet Train As much as Tokyo is bright lights, modern buildings and LOTS of people, Kyoto is more traditional, well known for their temples and shrines, and has a slower pace. After our long flight and our first two days of 10 mile walks, we thought this might be just the thing to help us…

  • Polar bear walking toward the camera

    Adventure to the Ueno Zoo

    After a good night’s sleep, we were once again up at an unreasonable hour. I think we were awake by 3am and by 7am, we were STARVING. The weather took a breezy turn, making the high for the day barely above 40 degrees. Our original plan included a trip to teamLab Planets, a walk through art installation, that includes ankle deep water and walking bare foot. Not feeling this was still the best plan, we opted for plan B. Here is the story of our second day in Japan – the adventure to the Ueno Zoo. The Fun Before Getting There The Breakfast Buffet As soon as the buffet opened…

  • The Road to the Tokyo Marathon

    After our 14+ hour flight via Delta One, we arrived in Japan. One of us was well rested. The other was just too excited to sleep. After all, we had weeks of temples, shrines, pagodas, pandas and snow monkeys ahead of us. After our driver took a wrong turn, taking us a half hour out of our way and getting a ticket. We finally unpacked our bags to begin our adventure on the road to the Tokyo Marathon. Day 1 – The EARLY Morning We arrived at the Sotetsu Fresa Inn around 10pm local time and were glad to drop our bags in our little room. At first, it felt…

  • Who is the Travel Oracle?

    Maybe you clicked an interesting link on Pinterest and landed on our site. So you’re asking yourself, who is the Travel Oracle? Let us introduce ourselves We are Stephen and Jill. Two travelers who have been adventuring together since 2008. We used to share only snippets of our travels with folks on our personal accounts on Facebook and Instagram. Our friends encouraged us that we should start a website to share more. So here we are. But WHAT is the Travel Oracle? Besides sharing our travels, we offer ways to make traveling easier for everyone. We offer: Where else can you find us? Since we’ll likely be on the road,…