• Palm trees blowing in the wind against a blue sky

    How a Little Tempest Can Impact Your Day

    We’re back from the hiatus we took to prepare for the Boston Marathon…where one of us ran the race and the other spectated. Needless to say, I think running it probably a bit easier. After all the runner’s path is marked, while us spectators had to find our own way to the finish! But I digress. This week we continue our odyssey in the desert, where we explore how a little tempest can impact your day. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane To celebrate Connor’s big day, we loaded up the Behemoth and drove 45 minutes out to Go Jump in Jean, Nevada. Connor and Savanna wanted to go…

  • Backyard at night. Kidney shaped pool, lit up with a blue light. There are landscape lights along the path by the arborvitaes.

    The Odyssey in the Desert – Part 1

    I’ve always heard that the desert is a place to go to get clarity. It’s a place that is quiet, beautiful, and lends itself to introspection. After all, didn’t Jesus go to the desert to pray for 40 days? And the Israelites wandered the Sinai desert for 40 years, looking for the promised land, right? Well, this trip, wasn’t ANYTHING like all that. Join us for a winter’s odyssey in the desert where we take 6 young 20 somethings for their first trip to the land of holy rollers, I mean, HIGH rollers in Las Vegas. So…why Vegas? I’m sure some folks are wondering why we would take our youngest…

  • Group of people in winter clothes, smiling and hugging on an ice skating rink. Behind them are trees lit in white lights and a row of flags

    Skating Under the Stars and Other Shenanigans

    For those of you have been following along, you’ll recall our last article ended with a delicious breakfast after braving the elements and the crowds to watch The Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. After the short walk back to our VRBO, we were happy to see the kids had survived the night before and were up and watching the parade on TV. Feast #1 We had a pretty relaxing afternoon planned and continued to watch the parade as Jill began to prepare our Thanksgiving feast. She did an excellent job with the limited cookware that we had on hand. Everything from the honey baked ham to the stuffing and mashed potatoes were…

  • Group of 5 people, wearing winter clothing and standing in front of the Stardust Diner

    Who Do You See in NYC?

    You may have heard that New York City can be a little…hectic. But have you ever asked yourself…who do you see in NYC over Thanksgiving? As we found out, the answer is EVERYBODY. So it would be CRAZY to go then, right? Well, you may be right, I may be crazy but we loved every minute of it. Although this is the most people we’ve ever encountered in NYC, we would do it again in a heartbeat. Why we did it The girls were celebrating birthday number 23 and we wanted to do something special for them. Since we missed Billy Joel in Detroit during the pandemic, we picked seeing…