• Image of a blue medal that reads NYC Half,hanging from a green ribbon. The Brooklyn bridge is in the background.

    United Airlines NYC Half Recap

    I don’t run many half marathons and I certainly don’t race many but I was fortunate enough to snag a bib in the lottery for this year’s United Airline NYC Half this past weekend. I figured it would be a good tune up and a test of my fitness heading into this year’s Boston Marathon. The Goal My primary goal for the race was to run a hard effort and to challenge myself on the hills. I haven’t been a very strong runner on hills in the past and have incorporated more hill work and strength training to try and fix that. The course profile offered me a great opportunity to…

  • Fun and Free in NYC

    If you know anything about traveling to Manhattan, you KNOW it’s expensive. It’s like $35 just to walk in and look at a menu. But did you know that there are some amazing, fun and free things to do on NYC? Sure, a coffee may cost you $8 but you’ll enjoy drinking it in one of these fantastic places! 1. The NY Public Library This library feels more like a museum than a place to check out books but you’ll still have to keep your voice down! 2. The Staten Island Ferry If you want some great views of Lady Liberty, Liberty Island ISN’T the way to do it. Instead…

  • A row of trees covered in yellow lights, behind a hot air balloon, that is lined in white lights

    What Would You Do with Just One Day in NYC?

    In case you missed it, we were in New York City for our daughter and her best friend’s 23rd birthdays. Day one was a whirl wind that included a limo ride and a Broadway show. The question became, what in the world will could we do to top day that first day?! Well, what would YOU do with just one day in NYC? Hatching the Plan Waking up before the kids gave us a little time to figure out a game plan for day two. First order of business was to take a short walk and pick up coffee and donuts at the local Dunkin. Fortunately for us the rain…