• Group of 5 people, wearing winter clothing and standing in front of the Stardust Diner

    Who Do You See in NYC?

    You may have heard that New York City can be a little…hectic. But have you ever asked yourself…who do you see in NYC over Thanksgiving? As we found out, the answer is EVERYBODY. So it would be CRAZY to go then, right? Well, you may be right, I may be crazy but we loved every minute of it. Although this is the most people we’ve ever encountered in NYC, we would do it again in a heartbeat. Why we did it The girls were celebrating birthday number 23 and we wanted to do something special for them. Since we missed Billy Joel in Detroit during the pandemic, we picked seeing…

  • Neon sign that reads "Don't Grow Up It's a Trap"

    The Best of 2022

    As a couple of people who value experiences, we’ve learned fun ways to remember everything we’ve done over the year. One of our favorites is our corkboard. We tack up things there like theater tickets, paper wrist bands, and bar coasters. On New Years Eve, we take down these mementos to place them in an envelope and write about where we’ve been. We also, of course, take lots of pictures to share with you all. So as we wind down the year, let us share with you the best of 2022! The Dinner of the Year Adventura Not only was their restaurant beautiful inside and out, they had olives. They…

  • Image of a hand holding a play bill that reads "Hamilton". Behind is the stage.

    The Saturday Tour of the Revolution

    Have you ever started out a day with a loose plan and ended up with something far cooler, far more “thematic” than you ever would have thought? That’s the story of our second day in NYC. It ended up being The Saturday Tour of the Revolution! We started the day at Hamilton’s grave and ended up watching his show on Broadway. Oh and we sort of hit a hidden restaurant right smack in the middle of it all and visited a fake grave. The Morning Stroll at Trinity Church After a quick breakfast at George’s, we made our way over to Trinity Church. Although it is the place the Nick…