• A row of trees covered in yellow lights, behind a hot air balloon, that is lined in white lights

    What Would You Do with Just One Day in NYC?

    In case you missed it, we were in New York City for our daughter and her best friend’s 23rd birthdays. Day one was a whirl wind that included a limo ride and a Broadway show. The question became, what in the world will could we do to top day that first day?! Well, what would YOU do with just one day in NYC? Hatching the Plan Waking up before the kids gave us a little time to figure out a game plan for day two. First order of business was to take a short walk and pick up coffee and donuts at the local Dunkin. Fortunately for us the rain…

  • Steam train with a black and red engine car

    Checking out the Wizarding and Surreal Worlds

    Having accomplished eating ALL the food at Thanksgiving dinner and running the Space Coast Half Marathon, we were ready for a change of pace. We didn’t have much set in stone for our second week in Florida. Stephen would be running a trail Ragnar with some friends. I planned to work all week but schedule was relatively open on Friday. Seizing the opportunity, I took Momma for another adventure. We landed on checking out the Wizarding and Surreal Worlds in Florida! (The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and the Surreal World of Salvador Dali, that is.) Inauspicious Beginnings Monday through Wednesday were sort of “business as usual” for our crew.…