• Black and white image of the Victorian era gate at Cave Hill Cemetery

    The Colonel and The Greatest

    Before heading to Louisville to help some friends with house and pet sitting, we had some important research to do. Imminently practical, Stephen spent his time looking into restaurant and brewery recommendations. I, being more whimsical, needed to know what is weird and what is haunted around town. Though we haven’t made it to all the places on this haunted road trip, you can join us for a walk through Cave Hill Cemetery to visit the Colonel and The Greatest. About Cave Hill Cemetery The vision for Cave Hill began almost 200 years ago, during the “Parks Movement“. The idea behind this movement was to two-fold: Back in the early…

  • Adventure to the Most Haunted Cemetery in Michigan

    If you’re anything like me, you go on “kicks” from time to time. Maybe it’s making your own pizza dough or teaching yourself to play the piano. In my case, it was collecting and reading every book about haunted places in Michigan. Some of it was “meh”, like ANOTHER story about a haunted lighthouse. Some of it was FRIGHTENING, like account of the little girl who liked to watch television. (Also known as “Ah HELL NAH!” Some little ghost girl in my living room with my family??? We’re moving!!) And some of the stories made we want to go and see for myself. Join me for an adventure to the…