• Image of Little Island park. Looks like white wine glasses emerging from the river with trees on top of it

    A Rare November Day in NYC

    What do you do when it’s 75 degrees and not a cloud in the sky? Before you answer, let me also add in that we were in NYC AND we had the day off. Did that change your answer? Did it conjure images of Mary Tyler Moore twirling in the street? (Actually, that image would probably only appear if you’re over 55.) Well regardless of your mental image, let me share with you what we did on a rare November Day in NYC! Catching You Up ICYMI…we were already in NYC for 3 days by this time. We were ready to start day 4. The race was over and I…

  • Fun and Free in NYC

    If you know anything about traveling to Manhattan, you KNOW it’s expensive. It’s like $35 just to walk in and look at a menu. But did you know that there are some amazing, fun and free things to do on NYC? Sure, a coffee may cost you $8 but you’ll enjoy drinking it in one of these fantastic places! 1. The NY Public Library This library feels more like a museum than a place to check out books but you’ll still have to keep your voice down! 2. The Staten Island Ferry If you want some great views of Lady Liberty, Liberty Island ISN’T the way to do it. Instead…

  • New York 2022 – Day 4 (The Intrepid and the hike)

    We were up early and ready for our last day in NYC. First stop, a proper breakfast at the Brooklyn Diner Cafe in midtown. This diner was swanky, cozy and tasty…which meant the menu was pricey! Stephen and I ate while momma had a hot chocolate. Total price…around $75! But they do give you mouthwash in the bathroom, so there’s that! We then strolled through Times Square and Hell’s Kitchen to get to the Intrepid Museum, our next stop on our best of NYC tour. Stephen was so happy to find a black and white cookie – an absolute MUST for any trip to the Big Apple. Cheapskate  tip –…