• Woman standing in the middle of the little stone monk statues. She is hunched down, smiling and holding an umbrella

    A Rainy Walk in the Kimono and Bamboo Forests

    Kyoto, Miyajima and Hiroshima were some of THE MOST picturesque places we’d ever seen. But the universe was like, “Hold my beer”. Wait until you see the day we went on a rainy walk in the Kimono and Bamboo Forests. Oh and these two places weren’t even the best part. We spent the afternoon with probably a thousand stone mini-monks. Grab a cup of cozy and join us for the last leg of our Kyoto adventure. The Glorious Beginning Like every morning, the breakfast provided by our hotel, the Sotetsu Fresa Inn, was OUTSTANDING. I didn’t know how I would feel about salad and fish for the first meal of…

  • Red toriis (or gates) with Japanese writing on them and black bases

    The Fastest Train to a Quieter Time

    After a quiet evening back at our little hotel, which we now refer to as “the crevice”, we packed up for a new adventure. This time we would be taking the fastest train to a quieter time. Join us as we share all the sites from our first day in Kyoto! 180 mph on the Bullet Train As much as Tokyo is bright lights, modern buildings and LOTS of people, Kyoto is more traditional, well known for their temples and shrines, and has a slower pace. After our long flight and our first two days of 10 mile walks, we thought this might be just the thing to help us…