• The secret bar in the busiest place - The Campbell in Grand Central Terminal

    The Secret Bar in The Busiest Place

    If you’re anything like me, it’s hard to pass up a good mystery. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about Jimmy Hoffa going missing in Detroit or crop circles on the Salisbury plain in the UK. And I love sharing the knowledge about these mysteries with ANYONE who will listen. So let me share with YOU the secret bar in the busiest place – The Campbell at Grand Central Terminal. The Knowing You may wonder how we came to know about this awesomely wonderful super-secret bar. Well, not only are we avid travelers, we like to read about travel. And we like to talk about travel. Also I would…

  • Image of a man and woman wearing masks and holding up tickets

    What Life Was Like The First Weekend NYC Reopened

    The spring of 2021, you remember it, don’t you? The weather was warming. The flowers were blooming and we all came out of our lockdown caves, and squinted at the sun. We walked onto shaky ground, hoping upon hope, that maybe life would somehow get back to “normal”. That June, we had a little help rediscovering one of our favorite places on the planet from an unlikely source. This is the story of how Jimmy Fallon helped us experience what life was like the first weekend NYC reopened. The Jimmy Fallon Connection Stephen enters a lottery every year for tickets to Saturday Night Live and The Tonight Show. While getting…

  • Medal for the NYC Marathon in the foreground with the Statue of Liberty in the background

    Make Your First NYC Marathon a Smashing Success

    Just before the world hit the “pause” button, Stephen ran his first New York City Marathon. Though we had been to the Big Apple many times previously, this was his first time there for the running of the race. If you’ve never been to Manhattan OR if this is your first NYC marathon, let us share some things we’ve learned along the way to make your first NYC Marathon a smashing success. Don’t even THINK about driving a car there Unless you’re a big fan of stress, near misses, horn honking and altercations just forget the idea that driving a car there would be “better” in any way. Instead, get…

  • Momma and Us

    NYC 22 – Day 1(the Museum and the Piano Bar)

    Since my Momma is a big Harry Potter fan, we decided to take her to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway for Mother’s Day. While we were there, we figured we should take her to see the best of everything else in NYC too. Join us for our first day’s journey to the Museum of Natural History and to the Piano Bar. Morning Shenanigans First Parking – We were not able to use our regular parking vendor because for the first time in our adventures, they were sold out! This forced us to opt for the pricier and more convenient parking in the McNamara parking deck. Instead…