• Man in a racing kit, with his arms spread wide, crossing the Willis bridge

    NYC 2024 Marathon – The Rest of the Story

    Do you remember a movie from the 80’s called “Planes, Trains and Automobiles“? Well if you haven’t seen that yet, you should really check it out. It’s really funny and it’s Thanksgiving themed. And if you haven’t read it yet, be sure to check out last week’s NYC pre-race report, where we take an Uber, to a ferry, to a bus, JUST to run 26.2 miles! And once that’s done, come back here for the rest of the NYC 2024 Marathon story. Bridge #1 – the Verrazzano Narrows Once the cannon went off my shuffle to the start line began. It wasn’t but a minute before I crossed the start…

  • Image of Little Island park. Looks like white wine glasses emerging from the river with trees on top of it

    A Rare November Day in NYC

    What do you do when it’s 75 degrees and not a cloud in the sky? Before you answer, let me also add in that we were in NYC AND we had the day off. Did that change your answer? Did it conjure images of Mary Tyler Moore twirling in the street? (Actually, that image would probably only appear if you’re over 55.) Well regardless of your mental image, let me share with you what we did on a rare November Day in NYC! Catching You Up ICYMI…we were already in NYC for 3 days by this time. We were ready to start day 4. The race was over and I…

  • The NYC Marathon Medal in the center of the Vessel. The Vessel is concentric rings with squared edges made of copper with rings of glass between

    The NYC Marathon – More than a Walk in the Park

    Our third day in NYC, we were finally doing the thing for which we travelled!. Nope, it wasn’t Hamilton on Broadway (though that WAS really fun.) It was the NYC Marathon – which is far more than a walk in the Park! Join us for a fun day in the boroughs with the 2022 NYC Race Report. This is the race where you take a ferry, to take a bus, to run 26.2 miles! The Wakeup Wake up time on race day was 5 am. I actually slept pretty well the night before. Even though we were out late the night before to see Hamilton, I still managed 6 hours…