Image of a hand holding a play bill that reads "Hamilton". Behind is the stage.
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The Saturday Tour of the Revolution

Have you ever started out a day with a loose plan and ended up with something far cooler, far more “thematic” than you ever would have thought? That’s the story of our second day in NYC. It ended up being The Saturday Tour of the Revolution! We started the day at Hamilton’s grave and ended up watching his show on Broadway. Oh and we sort of hit a hidden restaurant right smack in the middle of it all and visited a fake grave.

The Morning Stroll at Trinity Church

After a quick breakfast at George’s, we made our way over to Trinity Church. Although it is the place the Nick Cage went looking for the treasure, it otherwise DOES look like something out of a movie with all these concrete buildings framing a gothic brown church.

The Saturday Tour of the Revolution - starts at Trinity Church. Image of a brown gothic church surrounded by modern buildings

Under the pretense of showing our friend around, we visited the graves of Alexander Hamilton and left a penny. (Of course, you all know I would have visited this cemetery with or without our friend.)

The Saturday Tour of the Revolution stop at Alexander Hamilton's grave. Image of a grave stone that is a pyramid on top of a rectangular box.

We saw Hercules Mulligan’s last resting place and my personal favorite, the fake grave of Charlotte Temple.

Image of a flat grave stone that reads "Charlotte Temple" but there are no dates on the stone. Next to it is a plaque that explains it it a fake grave
The fake grave of Charlotte Temple

The little sign says that Charlotte Temple was a character in a popular novel published in the 1790’s. It’s thought that a stone cutter decided to make her a grave in the Trinity Church yard.

Off to the Expo

After a quick stop to THE FANCIEST Duane Reade in all of Manhattan:

Image of marbled pillars topped with gilded gold baroque caps and a carved wooden ceiling over the floor of a drug store

to look for Band-Aids and tiny donuts, we headed off to the Javits Center to pick up our runners’ race packets.

Next…to Brooklyn

Since Stephen is a member of the Track Smith Hare AC, he gets Track Smith SWAG at major marathons. The ones for NY were in Brooklyn.

They had two shops, one for the SWAG bag and shopping and the other, for the Hare AC experience. This included full body massages, stations to use Air Relax equipment and free lunch. (I took advantage of the free lunch and I’m not even a member!!)

Flat Stephen and Aaron Burr

We went back to the hotel to change and for Stephen to get his things ready for the race in the morning.

Image of running gear. Running shoes, black shorts, red singlet, white running hat and a racing bib
Flat Stephen

We had time for a quick drink at One if by Land, Two if by Sea, a restaurant in Aaron Burr’s old carriage house. It’s voted one of the top five most romantic restaurants in the world. You cannot get in for dinner without a reservation and we discovered…IT DOESN’T HAVE A SIGN! It’s just a black door next to another popular restaurant. So in other words, if you don’t know about it, you WON’T FIND IT. (I love that kind of stuff!!) And my cocktail was yummy!

Dinner at Montes

Since it’s a tradition for runners to have pasta the night before their big race, we decided to do it right by going to Montes. In the heart of Greenwich, Montes has been serving THE BEST Italian food since 1918. All the waiters are men who seemed just a bit like they could make you an offer you can’t refuse. (If you get my meaning.) And we are relatively sure the food is prepared by the familial grandmother in the basement.

Next…to Broadway!

Stephen usually takes things VERY CASUALLY the day and night before a big race but this year…it was a different story. He got us box seats to Hamilton. Box Seats. Hamilton. I cannot even begin to tell you HOW AMAZING it was to in right by the stage to experience the show.

I was worried I wouldn’t like it as much since Lin-Manuel Miranda and Daveed Diggs were no longer in the cast but…it was FANTASTIC.

So in Summary…

A. Hamm’s grave in the morning. A. Burr’s carriage house in the afternoon. And the story that made it famous in the evening. Is it any wonder that I LOVE New York!??

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