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Walking in the Footsteps of the Rich and Famous

This was our third and final day in SOCAL. And after getting to pet the jellyfish and ending the day with a gondola ride, we felt it was time we got our “Hollywood On”! If you’ve never been, you’re in for a TREAT. Grab a cozy cup of something you like and join us as we go walking in the footsteps of the rich and famous!

But first, food!

As excited as we were to be heading to Hollywood, we first needed a little sustenance to get us going. We parked the car in a neighborhood and walked over to the Clark Street Diner. On the way, we got to gaze at the iconic Capitol Records building.

Round tower with multiple white ringed floors. At the top there is an antenna and a sign that reads "Capitol Records".
Capitol Records

Two fun facts about the diner:

  1. It is on the corner of Franklin and Vista Del Mar Avenues. Not sure why it’s called the “Clark Street Diner”.
  2. The eggs they serve are BRIGHT ORANGE. It was so intriguing we had to look up why. Here’s the answer from South Dakota State University, in case you’re interested.

The Hollywood Walking Tour

The Walk of Fame

From the diner, we walked over to Hollywood Boulevard and had a great time checking out all the stars for the people we love. I JUST found out that there are stars on the walk for fictional characters like Godzilla and Shrek. Well, now I know what I’ll look for the next time I’m in town!

Getting the “Red Carpet Treatment” at the Dolby Theater

We passed by the Dolby Theater and found that the lobby was open and we could walk up the staircase, all the way to the doors. Some fun facts about the theater:

  1. The film for each year is listed on the archway posts: 2018 – Green Book, 2019 – Parasite, 2020, etc.
  2. The posts have spaces for movies for another 75 years. After that…I guess they’re going to need to add some more arches.
  3. Seeing sheer number of stairs and the long walk from the street, I am FAR more impressed with the ladies wearing evening gowns and heels to the event. They should get some sort of hazard bonus for that feat. Or maybe, they could hire stunt doubles!

Grauman’s Chinese Theater

As a kid, I wanted NOTHING more than to see Grauman’s Theater for myself and stand on the famous footprints. (Well, that might not be entirely accurate as I do remember praying for a pony for a number of years.) But that aside, Grauman’s was IT. This was my second time seeing it and I loved it JUST as much.

Grauman's Chinese Theater main entrance that looks like the entrance to a temple.
The front door at Grauman’s

Walking on the Wild Side at the Los Angeles Zoo

First, I have to point out HOW GREAT it is to have a zoo with PALM TREES! Being from the mid-west, this is a rare treat!

Front gate of the Los Angeles Zoo
The Los Angeles Zoo

We really enjoyed the lay out, especially how close we could be to all the animals. In fact, I could have touched the tortoise but I’m pretty sure that would have resulted in my being banned from all zoos going forward. Here are some of the best beasties we got to enjoy:

Next – The Driving Tour of Hollywood

The Hollywood Sign

We left the zoo and headed up the hills to see HOW CLOSE we could get to the Hollywood sign. The roads started out narrow, and then became enough for one car to pass. And then, there were landscapers parked along the side of the road that made even THAT a challenge. There were cars coming from either direction, causing us to back up into driveways and little cut outs in the rock. There were signs the clearly stated “No Outlet to Hollywood Sign”. And yet, we continued. I think it was WELL WORTH it!

The Hollywood sign
Worth it!

The Studios

Driving down the road, we passed Universal and Warner Brothers studios. It felt so cool to be in a town whose business is movies and television. As they say in Wayne’s World “that’s where the magic happens”!

The Hollywood Bowl

Since 1922, The Hollywood Bowl has hosted such famous artists as the Beatles, Billie Holiday and Yo-Yo Ma. (I threw that last one in there for Seinfeld fans.) Although we’ve never been inside, the exterior of the Hollywood Bowl still worth a stop.

Afternoon Repose at Founder’s Ale House

After all the walking, driving, and star gazing, we were in need of an adult beverage and some lunch. Thankfully Founders Ale House had both and ample seating at their bar.

Closing out the Day in Santa Monica

We couldn’t end our trip without ONE MORE trip to the beach. After all, it was still JANUARY back in Michigan and it would be while before we would get to see the sun again.

But first…beer

We stopped in at the Santa Monica Whaler for just one more drink before heading over to the beach. And as you know, when we say “Just one more”, it RARELY is. But we usually end up with some pretty fun stories. (Though not the kind you’d necessarily put in a blog.)

Santa Monica Pier

The sun was setting but the pier was full of people. There were people busking in tuxedos and singing for passers by. There were parents taking their children for just one more ride at Pacific Park. And then there were people like us, just wanting to hang onto the sunshine for as long as we could.

Sun setting behind that reads "Santa Monica, 66, End of the Trail"
End of the Trail

Thanks for joining us for this last day in the January sun in SOCAL. We have some fun travels coming up this week to Boston for St. Patty’s day and to Las Vegas (again) for a work conference. If you’d like to keep up, follow us on Instagram at The__Travel__Oracle. Until next time!