Man looking over the top of a giant martini with sugar and chocolate around the rim
Las Vegas,  The Archives,  The places we've been

What Happens in Vegas Ends up in a Blog

Hello again! If you’ve been following our most recent adventures, you may have noticed a pattern:

And this week…the pattern continues! This week we will drink giant martinis, watch singing frogs, and stroll past the Grand Canal. As they say, what happens in Vegas…ends up in a blog!

Hi-ho, hi-ho to the Palazzo

Though the trips above were for fun and family, this time we had to go for work. (Yes, I actually DO work outside of writing here!) Our five hour flight from Boston didn’t depart until 6pm, which meant we didn’t get to the Venetian Hotel until after 11:30pm. We figured we’d be able to quickly get our keys and head up for some serious sack time before my first 8am session.

Oval shaped, rennaissance mural depicting cherubic angels surrounded by a gold gilt frame
The lobby ceiling we got to enjoy at midnight

Well, as it often goes when you’re traveling, things did not work out the way we planned. When we arrived, there were over 20 people waiting for their rooms and because we arrived so late, our room was bumped to the Palazzo. This would normally not be a big deal but after 45 minutes sorting the room out, the 30 minute walk through 2 casinos with our luggage was not “ideal”.

Up and At ‘Em

The 6 bell alarm seemed way toooo early but there was no time to waste. While I got ready, Stephen engaged in his favorite Vegas pass time – watching the Sphere.

Okay, so it Wasn’t THAT Much of a Hardship

Though we felt a bit put out the night before between the fatigue and the hour and a half we spent trying to get to our hotel room. After some good sleep, things seemed much brighter. Here are few of the sites we took in on our morning tour.

Breakfast then Business

We stopped for what was beginning to feel like our “usual” breakfast at the Grand Lux Cafe. There’s just nothing like starting your day with hot coffee, scrambled eggs and some old school glamour.

Art deco styled bar, with pillars of back lit bottles of liquor and hanging lights
Breakfast at the Grand Lux Cafe

After the morning sessions were over, I finally ran into my co-worker, Erin, at lunch. In case you’re wondering, no there wasn’t a dress code nor did we text each other to coordinate our look for the day.

Two women wearing similar black dresses and flat shoes, laughing in a conference room

Let the Afternoon Shenanigans Begin

I passed on the business funtivities to unwind and recover a bit before heading out for the evening. We could think of no better way than…HOT TUB. Though we didn’t do cannon balls, we did have fun.

Dinner, Drinks and Darts at Flight Club

We met up with Erin, her husband Kam, and my cousin, Ron, at Flight Club for some darts, apps, and laughs. If you haven’t been, Flight Club has dart games for people who aren’t competitive at darts. And if you know ANYTHING about me, you’d know that is a good match for my skill level!

Too Early for Bed, So GIANT Martini Anyone?

Erin and Kameron had plans after the dart experience so it just felt right to find ONE MORE thing to do. After all, it was barely 8:30 and we WERE in Las Vegas. Thankfully Ron is not only teaches literature at UNLV, he is also a top notch tour guide. At his suggestion, our last stop was the Candy Bar at I Love Sugar for an 8 shot smoking martini.

Rally, Rally, Rally

Loaded with liquid courage, we thought we’d try our hands at three card poker at Palazzo’s casino. This photo was taken after about 8 losing hands. For those not familiar, this is called a “Rally Cap” and it’s meant to change your luck. It did not work.

Man sitting at a casino table with his cap on inside out
Rally cap time

Work, Work, Work and then Wynn

The next day started early and consisted of talking, working, meetings and hustle. But unlike a normal work day, this one ended with Erin, Kam, Stephen and I, walking through the Wynn on our way to Lakeside for dinner.

Amazing Food and a MORE Amazing Show

Thanks to my wonderful friend, Monica Teplis, we were invited to enjoy dinner at Lakeside. The table alone was special, with the view of the lake and waterfall. Then came our appetizers and drinks!

And then…

At 7pm, the waterfall began to change…into a stage! A giant toad smoking a cigarette appeared at the top and crooned “New York, New York”. (I mean, what else would you expect a giant singing, smoking toad to sing??)

After Frank T. Toad was finished, he receded into the forest and the screen was replaced by the waterfall. Every hour or so, another production appeared on the waterfall and over the lake.

And then…the End

The next morning was filled with…you guessed it, work, work, talk, talk, etc. But only until about noon or so, and then lunch and the ride home. You know you’re life is pretty good when you’re just as happy to go home as you were to take the trip.

Woman sitting in a plane seat, giving the peace sign
Peace out

Thanks for joining us for this week’s edition of “What happens in Vegas…ends up in a Blog”! What do you have on your agenda for this year? We’d love to hear from you. And if you haven’t done so already, consider joining our tribe. You’ll get the latest from us plus content curated just for you. And as always, you can follow us in real time on Instagram at The__Travel__Oracle!